
Blog posts : "General"

The Little Things Matter

An excerpt from the book "The Abundance Arena".  Secret Similarity #3 – The Little Things Matter “Watch the little things; a small leak can sink a great ship!” ⎮Benjamin Franklin So many of us go through life searching for that “one thing”, that one secret that will finally change our lives forever. This constant search for the proverbial “key to success” keeps many of us reading books, going to seminars, and joining social media motivational groups. It’s great that we are always seeking ...

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Celebrate the Haters!

SECRET SIMILARITIY #6 - CELEBRATE THE HATERS! (An excerpt from the newly released book The Abundance Arena).  “Haters only hate the things they can’t have and the people they can’t be. It’s just a little thing called jealousy.”⎮Lil Wayne It’s inevitable. As your happiness begins to improve, as success in your career grows, they will come. As your small business expands or your book sales increase, they will come. They will show no rhyme or reason why you were chosen to become the target, ye...

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The following is an excerpt from the book "The Abundance Arena" - by Richard Spector. “Most everything you want is just outside your comfort zone.” – Jack Canfield. As human beings, we have a natural desire to be comfortable. It’s built into our DNA. In fact, most people will go out of their way to avoid being uncomfortable. Think about it; from electronic recliners, universal remotes, and smart devices like the Amazon Echo, as a society, we not only enjoy ...

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Create Your Own Luck

“Luck is not solely the result of chance. It is the result of deliberate, planful action.” -Dr. Phillip M. Randall About three months ago Carmela joined a networking group to improve her associations and to grow her network of professionals.  Once a month, after work, the group would meet at different restaurants and bars for a couple hours to meet new people and exchange contact information over a beer or a glass of wine.  Groups like these are very popular all over the country, and Carmela...

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An excerpt from "The Leadership Arena" A Brief History: History tells us that a gentleman by the name of John R. Commons, an economist back in the 1890s, was the first to coin the term Human Resources in a book he published titled "The Distribution of Wealth." However, the actual practice or the idea of human resources as a viable part of business success began with two entrepreneurs. Robert Owen (1771-1858) and Charles Babbage (1791-1871), during the industrial revolution, r...

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An Excerpt from the book: "The Executive Arena"  Do you remember the term “Birds of a feather flock together?” and “Like Attracts like?”  These phrases have to do with how the people you associate with can and do have an effect on your life and career.  In other words, if you want to be successful, you need to be around other successful people. But where do you go? How do you go about finding and meeting other successful people?  We...

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So, just what is a confidant? A confidant can take many forms, be it an executive coach that one pays for or a best friend you run ideas past from time to time. There are many definitions depending on the source and your belief, so, for the sake of argument, let’s look at the definition from It defines a confidant (confidante) as: “a close friend or associate to whom secrets are confided or with whom private matters and problems are discussed.” That is not a...

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An Excerpt from "The Leadership Arena!" As a leader or future leader, you may one day be in a position of power and influence over setting company policies or standards that will ultimately affect company culture. I had initially struggled with where in the book to include this next section. I could have easily fit this topic just about anywhere, but nepotism, being an issue that births its pretty head during the hiring phase, I thought it best be discussed here in the “being the Boss...

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The word is Millennials. It's a topic as big as the Keto diet, and publishers, social media companies, and other organizations are cashing in on its popularity. Hey, it's a great way to make a buck. Just do a google search for two simple words, Millennials and Workforce, and watch the hundreds of thousands of results that will surface.   The messages being disseminated relate to such topics as "What millennials want from their managers" or "When dealing with millennials, a new type...

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9 blog posts